
Advanced GUI Economy Shop

Plugin Info

Native Minecraft Version: 1.16

Supported Minecraft Versions: 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16

Dependencies: Vault (Not Required)

Download (Spigot): Link

Open Source: Link

Vault Economy Installation

This will hook into plugins like Essentials for economy related events and commands.

  1. Place the jar into your plugins folder.

  2. Install the latest version of Vault.

  3. Boot your server and you're done!

Item Economy Installation

This is a standalone feature in which a player will need to have the physical economy item in their inventory to buy items from the shop. When a user sells items they will be rewarded with the economy item as well.

  1. Place the jar into your plugins folder.

  2. Restart your server to generate the plugin files.

  3. Open your settings.yml file and change Vault economy support to false and change Item economy support to true.

  4. Now if you would like to change the default economy item open your config.yml and change economy material to a new item. I would suggest picking something that stacks 64 just so users don't run into any silly issues.

  5. The very last thing you'll want to do is change the currency format which is also found in the config.yml. In this example we're using Emerald as the item so I would change it from '&6${0}' to something like '&2{0} Emerald'.

  6. Now go ahead and boot your server and you're done!

Last updated